BLP A-Z of Learning English: «J» for «Just»

BLP A-Z of Learning English: «J» for «Just»

Karen Thorley

Just is a very common adverb in English, especially in speaking and it has different meanings.

We can use just meaning ‘simply,’ exactly or ‘absolutely’ to add emphasis to a statement, it can also mean recently, or hardly, or can be used to minimise or soften impact and for diplomacy:

It is also quite common when used in names, logos and publicity:

And songs:

 I just called to say I love you (Stevei Wonder)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kIdjnuLeXo

Just like a woman (Bob Dylan) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRLXZVojdhQ

Just because I’m a  woman (Dolly Parton) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHkPdTd4eeI

Just like you (Louis Tomlinson) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvXXMsiQBDg

Just like Heaven (The Cure) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHpwCDHYPOA

And films:

Other typical expressions:

Just joking – Don’t be offended, I was just joking

Just because (for the sake of it) – Why did you paint your room? Just because! (=Just for the sake of it, or “porque sí”)

Just so – Do it just so = exactly like this                 

Just good friends = no romantic involvement                                                  

Just like that – To describe an element of easiness and surprise: And then he walked away from his boss…just like that!

Only just – (por poco) – He only just managed to get out of the house before the fire took over

Just my luck! – (sacrcastic) This is typical of my bad luck

It’s just as well…. It’s lucky (“menos mal”)  “it’s just as well you’re here, we need to start early

It’s just behind you – It’s right, directly behind you

Just in time – not before, not after

Just married

I just hope this helped you!!!

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